Sunday 26 August 2012

5. Affinity Card Orderliness

  A Project entitled “Affinity Card Orderliness” is to provide the services like a user can register for a credit card, they can purchase the items from various stores by using that card and they can search/view/modify on an existing card.  The present system tells that the users take loans on banks. It is the risky process for customers because protecting that large amount of money and carrying is most difficult. In this system security for money is less.  In the proposed system banks provide credit cards to customers. The banks provide these cards based on customers assets. Then customers can purchase goods by using these cards and repaying these amounts by monthly. If any user can’t repay the amounts perfectly then the banks have rides to block those customers accounts. If customers paying money perfectly then banks see the customers transactions If it is good then banks extend the customers credit limit and also modify the expiry time.
Before the Credit card came into existence, customers of a bank had to wait in long queues and for long hours just to get simple banking transactions like money withdraw. This was very time consuming and even boring process. The time used for this kind of simple works could have been used in more important works. The customer may be out shopping away from his bank and needs to know his account balance then there was no possibility, for checking balance the customer had to go all the way to his bank.
          Proposed system is entirely computer based one.  In this all data is entered into computer and stored it allows to store large amount of data.  Since the system is developed to provide visual environment, it is very easy for the Evaluator to get understand and work on it. The proposed system scope is network. We are using this system through out the network connected through wire. In future it can be enhanced to be a global communication medium for multinational companies.
¨       Customers fill the Application forms
¨       Banks provides Credit Cards to customers.
¨       By using these cards customers perform transactions
¨       Each and every transaction stored into Customers.



Goals of  New System:

  1. To reduce paper work.
  2. To save time by getting faster results.
  3.  Will be readily available.
  4. To avoid errors inherent in manual paper work.
  5. To improve  management of permanent and updated information i.e.,
  6. Databases by providing facilities to edit this information, manipulate it
  7. And finally retrieve this information as efficiently as possible.
  8. To provide tangible as well as intangible cost saving.
Data updating for time-by-time information is nicely retrievable
The system Affinity Card Orderlinessconsists of 3 modules.
1. Customer Application module
2. Transaction module
3. Search and Modify details module
Customer Application module:       
               In this module we provide mechanisms for adding a new customers details. In this module first the customers fill the application form and submitted it in to the bank. Then the bank manager will verify these application forms and check the customers asset details, if those details are correct then the bank manager will give a credit card to customers. The manager will the maximum limit of money to customers by depending on the customers assets.
Transaction module:
In this module the customers purchase goods by using the credit cards. Customers doing transactions by using credit card in any store. When the customers doing transactions by using credit cards then the amount will be lesser into the customers limit. If the customers repay the amount then that time the money will be increasing in the credit limit. If we are repaying amounts perfectly then the bank manger can increase the maximum limit money and also extend the credit card expiry period.
Search and Modify details module:              
In this module there are there are three sub modules are there , they are
·          View Customer details
·          Modify Customer details
·          Search Customer details
          In  view customer details, the manager can see the customers details. In modify customers details, the manager can change the customers details and also increasing the credit card limit and extend the expiry period of card. In search customer details, the manager can search the customer details based on card type, card holder name, card number. Based on these the methods the manager can search the customer details.

Software requirements:
     Operating System                   : Windows
          Technology                       : Java and J2EE
          Web Technologies              : Html, JavaScript, CSS
           Web Server                     : Tomcat 5.5
           Database                         : Oracle 10G
           Java Version                    : JDK1.6    
Hardware requirements:
           Hardware                        : Pentium IV
           RAM                               : 1GB

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