Sunday 26 August 2012

6. Defoliant Inventory

         The Defoliant Inventory  is a web-based system, which gives information relating to the clients and dealers of the company with respect to its pesticides product launches. This project would automate the operations of the management and would retain the present functionality available in the current system. 
Existing System:
         The present system is inefficient as it maintains all information across files and ledgers. The system is difficult to use and it is difficult to search for the desired information. The system does not offer effective communication facilities among the various entities that are part of the system (clients, dealers and administrator). The system often mismanages the information leading to data losses and inconsistencies.
Proposed System: 
         The proposed system is a web based application that maintains a centralized repository of all information. This makes it easier to access the data and perform various operations. The system maintains the data systematically. Report generation is one of the features of the proposed system.
The system is proposed to have the following modules:
    Administrator module, dealer module, customer module and report module.
Administrator Module:
         This module provides administrator related functionalities. Administrator can view and manage the details of customers and dealers. Administrator approves new dealer and customer registrations and requests for pesticides. Administrator also maintains stock and inventory details.

Dealer Module:
         A dealer must be registered with the system. The dealer can view and manage the details of pesticides, customers and other dealers. Dealer may approve the pesticide requests made by the customers. The approved requests are then forwarded to the administrator.
Customer Module:
         A customer must be registered with the system to avail the services. A customer can view details of dealers and pesticides. A customer can place an order for pesticides with a dealer and then can monitor the status of the request.
Reports Module:
         This module allows administrator and dealers to generate various reports based on different criteria such as dealer details, customer details, sales details and so on.
Software Requirements:-
·         Technology                                  :        J2SE and J2EE
·         Web-Technologies                         :        HTML, JavaScript , CSS
·         Web Server                                 :        Tomcat 5.5
·         Java Version                                :        JDK1.6
·         Backend Database                        :        Oracle 10G
Hardware Requirements:-
·           Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
·           RAM Capacity                              :        1GB

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