Sunday 26 August 2012

4. Planetary Excerpts

Planetary Excerpts aims at providing and receiving of digital files over a network allowing multiple users to access the same file on priority level basis among the available users of the system. The term Planetary Excerpts almost always means sharing files in a network, even if in a small local area network.
Existing system:
         In the present computer technology information can be stored in terms of files. Same file should keep in every system whenever we want to use the same information in multiple computers, because of this redundancy of data can be increased and wastage of memory is more, This problem can overcome using Planetary Excerpts.
Proposed system:
Planetary Excerpts allows a number of people to use the same file. Planetary Excerpts can also mean having an allocated amount of personal file storage in a common file system. It enables to create a central repository for organizing our folders. Within these folders we can create our own folders and we can upload our files into it. Planetary Excerpts provides a file management with secure access control, sharing and supporting File with in the registered users. 
Modules: The system is proposed to have the following modules.
  1. Authentication and Security Module
  2. Users Module
  3. File Management Module
  4. Admin Module
  5. Reports Module
1.    Authentication and Security Module
  The user details should be verified against the details in the user tables and if it is valid user, they should be entered into the system. Once entered, based on the user type access to the different modules to be enabled or disabled.

2.    User Module:
The general users can use this application to store their personal information, contact information and other information etc. Users can access their account information and they can view the details of their personal information and contact details and also they can modify the personal and contact details of their in this module.
3.    File Management Module: This module has following sub modules.
a.  Folders Management Module:
In this module, folder creation and maintenance, sub folder creation, deletion and managing the folder, the uploaded file can transfer from one folder to other folders.
b.  File Upload Management Module:
Uploading and managing of file can be done in this module. The files accessibility privileges, information about the files size, type of the files, name of the files and memory management for file uploading and file deletion etc.
c.  File Download Management Module:
In this module the file downloads and storing it in to their system can be done.  The downloaded file information stores in the database.
4.  Admin Module
Administrator is main part of an organization that he may organize all the Users and their folders information. This administrator plays the main role in this system, here we are considering he should maintain all Users  profile details(address, contact, etc) on the user request  to modify his/her (user) profile like address, phone number etc. He can also view the entire Users list. The Administrator will maintain entire Users account history, folders history file history, and the Administrator can generate the reports like number of Users registered on the date bases reports etc.
5. Reports Module:
In this Module User and Administrator can generate different types of Reports according to their access. The User can generate the Report like how many no of other Users downloaded the Uploaded File and User can view their details, etc. The Administrator can generate the Report like at present how many users are logged In, Number of Users are using the application and  date wise registration Reports, etc.
Software Requirements:-
·           Technology                                 :        J2SE and J2EE
·           Web-Technologies                        :        HTML ,JavaScript ,CSS
·           Web Server                                :        Tomcat 5.5
·           Java Version                               :        JDK1.6
·           Backend Database                        :        Oracle 10G
Hardware Requirements:-
·         Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
·         RAM Capacity                              :        1GB

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