Sunday 26 August 2012

3. Amassment Analyst

          The aim of this Amassment Analyst is to reduce the manual effort needed to manage transactions and historical data used in various godowns. Also this application provides an interface to users to view the details like the daily Stock Statements of all godowns.
Existing system:
          In the present system all data is maintained across ledgers and files. Data is often mismanaged and this leads to data inconsistencies and losses. It is often difficult to search for the desired information quickly. It is also difficult to access and update the information.
Proposed system:
          Stock Analyzer is an online software application which fulfills the requirement of a typical Stock Analysis in various godowns. It provides the interface to users in a graphical way to manage the daily transactions as well as historical data. Also provides the management reports like monthly inwards, monthly deliveries and monthly returns. This application maintains the centralized database so that any changes done at a location reflects immediately. This is an online tool so more than one user can login into system and use the tool simultaneously.
The System is proposed to have the following modules:
Employee information module, inwards module, deliveries module, returns module, administrator module and reports module
Employee information module:
This module maintains all the information of the employees who are working for the company. The module allows administrator to add, delete, edit and view the employee information in an appropriate format. The module stores and maintains personal and professional details of each employee.
Inwards module:
This module maintains all the information related to manage inwards done in the godowns. All the inwards are recorded in database and can be viewed as a report that displays all the inwards made by the company at each godown. It allows the normal user to enter godown-wise inwards details. It facilitates the user to select godown id from the list which prevents entering invalid godown ids and allows the user to select the directly from a calendar which reduces lot of confusion in date formats and all. It doesn’t allow admin to enter the above details.

Deliveries module:
This module deals with deliveries of items whose purpose is for sale or service. This module provides interfaces to add the deliveries details and can be viewed as a report that displays all the deliveries made by the company at each godown. It allows the user to enter details whenever some delivery to has tobe done from any godown.  It also asks the user to select purpose of the delivery whether it is sale or service. It provides an option to take the print out of delivery report.
Returns module:
            This module deals with returns of items when they are damaged or orders are cancelled. This module provides interface to add the returns details and can be viewed as a report that displays all the returns made by the customer at each godown. It allows the normal user to enter return details. It provides the facility for the user to select the delivery items list out of which he can select id of return item very easily. It also facilitates the user to view returns report in tabular format.
Administrator module:
This module is used to manage the details of users of the application. Users are divided into two categories: Admin and Normal user. It allows administrator to add a new user, view the list of users and delete a user from the list. It allows sending a print request to the printer for printing user report.
Reporting module:
This module used to provide reports required by the higher management. It provides a facility to generate dynamic reports like information about the godown, monthly inwards, monthly deliveries, monthly returns and stock statements very easily.

Software Requirements:-
·                Technology                                 :        J2SE and J2EE
·                Web-Technologies                        :        HTML ,JavaScript ,CSS
·                Web Server                                :        Tomcat 5.5
·                Java Version                               :        JDK1.6
·                Backend Database                       :        MySQL 5.0
Hardware Requirements:-
·               Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
·               RAM Capacity                              :        1GB


  1. how can i download a project from this site i cant able to find out any links please help me

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. hi here are contain only the abstract.if you want to a project with source code browse my another blog
