Sunday 26 August 2012

16. Operative Contrivance

Operative Contrivance was approached by a Very big Shop to develop a web based application to be accessed by the users over the web. The central concept of the application is to allow the customers to shop virtually using the internet and allow customers to buy the items and articles of their desire from the store. The information pertaining to the products are stored on an RDBMS at the server side (store).The server processes the customers requests and the items are shipped to the address submitted by them.

Existing System:-

          In existing system every thing is manual like customer have to go to shop physically and he/she selects items which are available in shop and the merchant will calculate the bill for products selected by the customer and then shipping process will take place.
Existing System is manual, every thing we have to do manually i.e.
1.  Displaying items
2. Selecting items
3. Billing process
4. Shipping

Proposed System:-

    The proposed system should be in the way, the customer need not to enter into the shop to purchase items. He can purchase the items through the internet. The items should be shifted to the customer address specified when he register his details at the sight.
    The end user of this product is a departmental store where the application is hosted on the web and administrator maintains database. This application which is deployed at the departmental store will automate the following process.
The customer details are appended to the customer database. The details of the items are brought forward from the database for customer’s view based on the selection
through the menu. Database of all the products are products are updated at the end of
the each transaction.

Merchants, Customers, Invoice, Reports modules

Merchants Module:-

            Merchants will enter into the next form by entering username, password in this login page, after entering into next page merchant will add new products, categories, different items what are all the items available in that store, and if he wants he will modify the things, he will delete things and maintains everything by date wise. (i.e.)
1. Enhancing stores   2. Update stores  3. Delete from stores
Customers Modules:-
In customer module customers will give orders for items which are being available in that shop. In our project that order is processed and details are stored in data base.
1. Ordering  2. Suggestions.
Invoice Module:-
In invoice module total bill for ordered items will be created. In case if the ordered items are not being  shipped at a time then the pending order details will be processed and the bill  for the pending order will be created.
1. Sales for today.  2. Sales between two dates.   3. Stock status
Software Requirements:-
·         Technology                                :        J2SE and J2EE
·         Web-Technologies                       :        HTML ,JavaScript ,CSS
·         Web Server                                :        Tomcat 5.5
·         Java Version                               :        JDK1.6
·         Backend Database                       :        Oracle 10G
Hardware Requirements:-
·         Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
RAM Capacity                      :           1GB

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