Sunday 26 August 2012

17. Pledge Contrivance

         Pledge Contrivance is software that enables a lending company like Citi Financials, Fullerton etc to promote a transparent and secured environment in lending the loans as well as their recovery process. The purpose is to design a system that automates the activities of a lending organization.
Existing system:
         Current system is a manual one in which users are maintaining ledgers, books etc to store the information like Customers details, bank details, issued loans, payments, submitted papers and employee details. It is very difficult to maintain historical data. Also regular investments need to purchase stationary every year. It is difficult to maintain important information in books. More manual hours need to generate required reports. It is tedious to manage historical data which needs much space to keep all the previous years ledgers, books etc.
Proposed system:
         Proposed system is a software application which avoids more manual hours that need to spend in record keeping and generating reports. This application keeps the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It is very easy to manage historical data in database. No specific training is required for the employees to use this application. As the data is centralized it is very easy to maintain the finance report of the company. 
The System is proposed to have the following modules:
Employee information module, customer module, loan type module, issued loans module, payment module, administrator module, report module.
Employee information module:
         This module maintains all the information, which belongs to the employees who are working with the company. It also takes care about the details of the employee who are working as collection agents and recovery agents etc. 

Customer module:
         This module maintains all the information about customer’s and their bank account details etc. Only Manager can add the new customers, remaining users can view the details of all customers. 
Loan type module:
         This module deals with major and crucial part which includes the type of loans and the details about the customers who requested for a specific loan etc. This module provides interface to add the details provided by the customers for specific loans like vehicle details for vehicle loans, house details for housing loans, company details for personal loans and the weight age of the gold for gold loans etc. This module also deals with the relevant papers submitted by the customers according to the requested loan.
 Issued loans module:
         This module deals with major and crucial part which includes the issuing a new to the requested customer or to reject the application based on papers submitted by them. This module provides interface to add the issued loans details and can be viewed as a report that displays all the issued loans, rejected loans and pending applications. 
Payments module:
         This module deals with major and crucial part which includes the payments made by the customers based on the loan issued and installment amount. This module provides interface to add the payments details and can be viewed as a report that displays all the payments made by the customers. Only Accountants and Agents can make the payments. Remaining users can view the details of all the payments.
Administrator module:
         This module is used to maintain the details of users of the project. Users are divided into four categories:  Admin, Manager, Accountants and Agents. Administrator can add, delete, edit and view the details of employees, agents and accountants.

Report module:
         This module used to provide reports required by the higher management. To generate dynamic reports like information about the Released loans, Payments, Rejected Applications, Submitted Papers and Finance Report etc.
Software Requirements:-
·                Technology                                 :        J2SE and J2EE
·                Web-Technologies                        :        HTML ,JavaScript ,CSS
·                Web Server                                :        Tomcat 5.5
·                Java Version                               :        JDK1.6
·                Backend Database                        :        MySQL 5.0
Hardware Requirements:-
·               Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
·               RAM Capacity                              :        1GB

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