Sunday 26 August 2012

15. Tandem Squeal Plethora

         The objective of this application is to design a system to maintain the information related to a Bike Showroom. The purpose is to maintain a centralized repository of information about all activities regarding a showroom.
         Current system is a manual one in which users maintains ledgers and books to store the information about bike models, products, sales and purchases of bikes, customer details as well as employee details. It is very difficult to maintain historical data. It is difficult to maintain important information in books. More manual hours are needed to generate required reports. It is tedious to manage historical data which needs much space to keep all the previous year’s ledgers, books etc.
         Proposed system is a web based software application which simplifies the management of information. This application keeps the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It is very easy to manage historical data in database. They can easily use the tool to perform various activities and to increase the performance.
The System is proposed to have the following modules:
   Administrator module, employee module, purchases module, sales & service 
   module and report module.
Administrator Module: 
         This module is used to maintain the details of users of the project. Users are divided into two categories:   Admin and Account user.

Employee Module:
         This module maintains all information about the employees who are working with the company. It also stores employee salaries and generates pay slips.
Purchases Module:  
         This module maintains all the information to manage purchases done in the company. All the purchases are recorded in database and can be viewed as a report that displays all the purchases made by the company.
Sales & Service Module:
         This module deals with major and crucial part which includes sales of bikes and services provided to customers. This module provides interfaces to add/update the sales transactions and also the services provided to customers. Also shows the information of the available models
Report Module:
         This module is used to provide reports required by the higher management i.e., to generate dynamic reports like VAT on purchases and VAT on sales.
Software Requirements:-
·         Technology                                      :        J2SE and J2EE
·         Web-Technologies                            :        HTML ,JavaScript ,CSS
·         Web Server                                     :        Tomcat 5.5
·         Java Version                                    :        JDK1.6
·         Backend Database                            :        MySQL 5.0
Hardware Requirements:-
·         Processor                                        :        Pentium IV
·         RAM Capacity                                   :        1GB

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