Sunday 26 August 2012

14. Operative Asservation

Operative Asservation for Municipal Corporation deals with different day-to-day activities related to general public amenities. The Operative Asservation is designed to automate these activities and enable people to access the information.
Existing System: 
In the existing manual system a lot of time is spent in communicating the information across different branches and to general public. There is a need for an integrated automated system, which has some centralized control over the entire process.  Conventional System makes use of huge amounts of paper for recording transactions.  
Proposed System: 
The major activities of the system are to receive various types of grievances from citizens, facilitate speedy processing of grievances received, updating the status of grievances as and when required, informing the citizen about the action taken by the MC and generation of reports. User-friendly menu based access to the processes in the system with different access paths to different users to ensure the easier access to all the users.
The system is proposed to have the following modules:
   Administrator Module, user module, operator module, municipal officer module. and Reports module.
Administrator Module: 
         This module provides administrator related functionalities. Administrator can create a new account either for municipal officers or operators. By using this login id both Municipal officers and operators will log on to this portal and do all transactions which are assigned to them.
User Module: 
         This module is about users of this portal. By using this module user can lodge any complaint to either operators or to municipal officer about problems such as water problem, electricity problem and sewerage problem. User must be registered with the system. A user can check the complaint status. A user can remind the concerned officer about the complaint.
Operator Module: 
         This module is about an operator of Municipal Corporation. By using this module operators of Municipal Corporation can view all the complaints from different users on different problems. Operator can maintain solved problems list and pending problems list.

Municipal officer Module:
         This module is about municipal officers who use this portal to know the complaints from the users. By using this module municipal officer can view all the complaints of users on various problems which were sent through reminder form.

Reports Module:-
          Administrator can generate reports like list of operators and municipal officers.

Software Requirements:-
·         Technology                                 :        J2SE and J2EE
·         Web-Technologies                        :        HTML, JavaScript , CSS
·         Web Server                                 :        Tomcat 5.5
·         Java Version                                :        JDK1.6
·         Backend Database                        :        Oracle 10G
Hardware Requirements:-
·         Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
·         RAM Capacity                              :        1GB

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