Sunday 26 August 2012

13. Colloquium Delineation

         The objective of the project is to develop a Web based UI Manager with Audit Report tool is to display a calendar for the current month and the preceding month, and allow the executives to select a date from the displayed calendar to schedule and view ones appointments.

Existing System:
         The present system is ineffective in maintaining the relevant details. The task of scheduling and fixing appointments as well as other activities whether they may be official or personal is time consuming and also may lead to confusion if not properly scheduled. The whole process is now manually controlled. This requires maintaining the records of the queries coming from the employees on the paper.
 Proposed System:
         Conference agenda with Audit Report system reduces costs by                                                                                                                                                     reducing paperwork and streamlining processes. This system also reduces risk by supporting compliance with manager best practices. Our system aims to provide powerful functionalities to the user by making use of simple easy-to-easy interface. The system makes the process of scheduling much easier and computerized. By this system the manager or top level designated employee can fix the schedule of the executive working under him, he even can check whether the executive is free at the particular time or in other times. Thus the top level management can easily fix the process of scheduling, and even can change the appointment which is reflected immediately to the related employee.
The system is proposed to have the following modules:
    Administrator module, employee module and report module

Administrator Module:
         Administrator controls the entire application. Administrator can add, delete, edit and view all employee details. Administrator also manages the data related to organizations and businesses. Administrator generates reports based on various criteria.

Employee Module:
         Employees must have avalid login information to access the application. Each employee can view the details of companies, events, schedules and appointments.

Report module:
         This module allows administrator to generate various types of reports such as Event reports, meeting reports, contract reports, feedback reports and attendance reports.

Software Requirements:-
·         Technology                                 :        J2SE and J2EE
·         Web-Technologies                        :        HTML, JavaScript , CSS
·         Web Server                                :        Tomcat 5.5
·         Java Version                               :        JDK1.6
·         Backend Database                       :        Oracle 10G
Hardware Requirements:-
·         Processor                                   :        Pentium  IV
·         RAM Capacity                              :        1GB

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