Sunday 26 August 2012

8.Adaptable Pamphlet Predominanc

This is a software application which is used for maintaining stock trading information. This application consist all different company’s shares list and customers list who are handling major transactions like purchasing and selling of shares.
Existing System:
In current scenario we are having lot of online trading portals but all these portals are providing communication between administrators, organization people and stock brokers but they are not providing any interface between organizations to customers so that no customer can view their own information.
Proposed System:
This application consist all different company’s shares list and customers list who are handling major transactions like purchasing and selling of shares. The Online Trading application called Stock Portfolio management solution is a new access by the trading public to low cost transactions and real time market information
Modules: The project is divided into the following modules:
         Management Module, Customer Module, Sales History and Reports Module
Management Module:
This module is all about an administrator (stock exchange employee). By using this module administrator can do all transactions like adding clients (companies) to the portal, assigning quotations to the client’s shares, purchasing, selling of shares and updating share values of the companies if required. Administrator can handle following functionalities.
Add company: By using this functionality administrator can add company details who are participating in trading.
View Details: By using this functionality administrator can view company details who are participating in trading along with symbols assigned to those companies.
Add Quotation: By using this functionality administrator can add no of shares and price of each share of respective company.
Buy Transaction: By using this functionality administrator can find out over all purchase details (shares) of each and every customer by providing their customer ids.
Sell Transaction: By using this functionality administrator can find out over all selling details (shares) of each and every customer by providing their customer ids.
Update Information: By using this functionality administrator can update prices of each and every share of any company according to the requirement.
Clients: By using this functionality administrator can get over all customer details along with companies details who are registered in this portal.
Customer Module:
View Portfolio: By using this functionality user can view profit and loss of his/her transaction
Symbol: By using this functionality customer can get details of all shares of each and every company by providing symbol of that company.
Selling shares: By using this functionality customer can sell his/her shares.
Purchasing Shares: By using this functionality customer can purchase shares.
Sales History Module:
By using this module customer can view all his/her sold shares history.
Reports Module:
By using this module administrator will get different types of reports like no. of. Customers.etc…
Software Requirements:-
·           Technology                                :        J2SE and J2EE
·           Web-Technologies                       :        HTML ,JavaScript ,CSS
·           Web Server                                :        Tomcat 5.5
·           Java Version                               :        JDK1.6
·           Backend Database                       :        Oracle 10G

Hardware Requirements:-
·         Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
·         RAM Capacity                              :        1GB

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