Sunday 26 August 2012

20. Operative Stoop

         The objective of the project is to develop a system that allows customers to do online purchases. The system automates the processes and activities of a store or market. The purpose is to design a system that enables one to perform activities related to sales and purchases.
Existing system:
         In the present systems, the transactions are done conventionally with the customers visiting the store and making the purchases. This requires time and effort on part of the customer. The customer need to enquire the details of desired products and interact with the employee of the store.
Proposed system:
         The proposed system is a web based application and maintains a centralized repository of all information related to products and customers. It helps in proper maintenance of data and information. One can easily browse through the various details using the well defined interfaces provided by the system.
The system is proposed to have the following modules:
   Merchants module, customer module, invoice module and reports module
Merchants Module:
         A merchant acts like an administrator. A merchant can add, delete, edit and view the details of all products, categories. A merchant can view the customer details and can send information.
Customers Modules:
         A customer must be registered with the application. A customer can view and purchase the various items and products that are available. A customer can post suggestions and complaints to the administrator.
Invoice Module:
         In invoice module total bill for ordered items will be generated. The bill is generated only after customer completes the procedures.
Reports Module:
         This module allows administrator to generate reports based on various criteria such as sales, customers etc. one can generate sales reports for a given day or a period of time.

Software Requirements:-
·          Technology                                  :        J2SE and J2EE
·          Web-Technologies                         :        HTML ,JavaScript ,CSS
·          Web Server                                 :        Tomcat 5.5
·          Java Version                                :        JDK1.6
·          Backend Database                        :        Oracle 10G
Hardware Requirements:-
·        Processor                                     :        Pentium IV
·        RAM Capacity                                :        1GB

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