Sunday 26 August 2012

18. Progenitors Barter

This project is aimed at developing International Home Swappers are a business who put people in touch for the purpose of arranging home swaps and short home lets. A typical International Home Swappers client owns a property in one country and wishes to take a holiday of one week or more in another country. 
International Home Swappers puts people in touch for the purposes of making a reciprocal arrangement. The typical arrangement may be exemplified by a person owning an apartment in London who exchanges with an apartment owner in New York.
Existing system:
Swapping is done by contacting a mediator and it is a time taking process.
Time consuming
·         The entire dealing is done by the mediator. The authentication everything is carried out by manual work.
·         Delay in gathering information.
·         The mediator manually going to each place is practically not possible
·         Highly paid to the mediator.
·         The gathered information may not be secure some times.
·         Less authenticity.
Proposed system:
         A typical International Home Swappers client owns a property in one country and wishes to take a holiday of one week or more in another country.  International Home Swappers puts people in touch for the purposes of making a reciprocal arrangement. The typical arrangement may be exemplified by a person owning an apartment in London who exchanges with an apartment owner in New York.
Modules:  The system is proposed to have the following modules:
  1. Admin
  2. User
The responsibility of the admin is to maintain the database and the web pages. He is responsible for adding the authenticate members.
The users should be two or many. Gets the required information from list placed in the internet .Requests the authenticator if he want any additional information. The forms involved are
1.      Login forms
2.      Searching homes
3.      Adding information of the home.
Software Requirements:-
·         Technology                                 :        J2SE and J2EE
·         Web-Technologies                        :        HTML ,JavaScript ,CSS
·         Web Server                                :        Tomcat 5.5
·         Java Version                               :        JDK1.6
·         Backend Database                       :        Oracle 10G
Hardware Requirements:-
·         Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
RAM Capacity                      :           1GB

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