Sunday 26 August 2012

12 . Conjunct Companionship

         The objective of the project is to develop a system that allows the users to maintain friendships with other users and allows to communicate with each other, by exchanging messages, pictures and so on. The purpose is to design a system that enables one to maintain the social network and promote relationships.
Existing System:
         In the present scenario, people communicate with each other using conventional methods such as mails, phone calls and e-mails. Often, it becomes difficult for one to track the whereabouts of other known people and exchange views and messages. Sometimes, the messages exchanged through these methods may not reach the intended receiver. Often important communication may be missing.
Proposed System:
         The proposed system is a web based application and it maintains a centralized repository of all information. The system permits one to find their present and old friends by submitting a few of their details like name. the system provides support for online communities, so that users can forge personal relationships and maintain the social fabric. The system provides a number of interfaces through which one can send mails or participate in forums and other such related activities.
Modules: The project is divided into the following modules:
Admin, User, Polls, Gangs, Sawaals, Opinion, Reports Modules
Admin Module:
         Administrator maintains the entire application and has all access rights. Administrator can manage user details and decides the privileges of each user. Administrator can allow or ban users. Administrator can introduce new features to the application.
User Module:
         A user must be registered to access the application. A user can create a personal profile. A user can search for friends and also find new friends. A user can provide answers to the questions posed by other users. A user can share opinions and views on various topics with other users. A user can search for local information and upload or download pictures, images and other information.
Polls Module:
         This module allows users to create polls and participate in polls created by other users. This feature allows to check how many users have similar views about a topic.
Gangs Module:
         This module allows a user to create ones own gang or to enroll in other gangs. This feature allows a user to bond friendships with a close group of members.
Sawaals Module:-
             This module allows a user to create a new sawaal or to answer other sawaals asked by other users and can view the list of answers given by different users.
Opinions Module:-
             This module allows users to share their opinions regarding cars, schools, bikes and movies.
Reports Module:-
         This module allows administrator to generate various reports based on different criteria such as number of users, poll results and so on.
Software Requirements:-
·         Technology                                 :        J2SE and J2EE
·         Web-Technologies                        :        HTML, JavaScript , CSS
·         Web Server                                :        Tomcat 5.5
·         Java Version                               :        JDK1.6
·         Backend Database                       :        My SQL 5.0

Hardware Requirements:-
·         Processor                                   :        Pentium IV
·         RAM Capacity                              :        1 GB

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